Love singing to your favourite sixties songs? Do you actually know the words? Guess that tune with just a single line, and show your friends you’re top of the pops (even if flower power isn’t your thing anymore!) Whether you prefer The Beatles, Bob Dylan or Tom Jones, with over 150 songs to guess, you’re sure to be entertained for hours! Pocket sized, this handy little pack of cards is perfect for parties, family games night, or music loving friends on their Birthday, Secret Santa or as a stocking filler at Christmas! How to play: 1. Roll the dice to determine which song you must guess. 2. Without showing it to the other players, the person to your right must pick a card and read out the lyric. 3. Try and guess the song or artist correctly to win the card. Guess both to also play again. 4. The person with the most cards at the end wins!